Heparin Use in Pregnancy
Heparin is a form of anticoagulant used to prevent blood from clotting. This medication is a commonly used anticoagulant in modern times. It is considered safe since it does not penetrate the placenta. The drug can be used prevent blood clots in lungs, veins, and arteries. Doctors administer Heparin injections before an operation to avoid the risk of blood clots. Doctors do not recommend using this medication when suffering from uncontrolled bleeding or when having low platelets in your veins. Let the doctor know of any blood pressure issues, heart condition, liver disease, intestinal problems or bleeding issues before getting shots.
Heparin is administered during pregnancy to prevent recurrent miscarriages usually linked to Thrombophilia disorder. Suffering from a miscarriage can be a traumatizing experience for any woman. Chances of a woman suffering from blood clotting increase during pregnancy. A pregnant woman is likely to develop blood clots even without thrombophilia medical history. Also, the uterus puts pressure on veins reducing blood flow and can result in blood clots. Antiphospholipid syndrome is the thrombophilia disorder linked to miscarriages. Antiphospholipid syndrome is a condition where the blood clots in the developing placenta and prevents the flow of nutrients. Eventually, miscarriage occurs or results in other pregnancy issues like preeclampsia. Thrombophilia is likely to cause other complications in the placenta.
This medicine lowers the rate of miscarriages among women with antiphospholipid syndrome. Most of the women with the thrombophilic condition must be put under Heparin Sodium injections throughout the last trimester of pregnancy. A combination of this medicine and low-dose aspirin is recommended during pregnancy and several weeks after delivery.
Side Effects
Remember that Heparin during pregnancy can pose certain risks. Pregnant women may experience bone damage or increased risk of hemorrhage. Taking the drug for an extended period of over six months can increase the possibility of osteoporosis in women. A woman’s bones suffer temporary thinning during pregnancy and breastfeeding period, and Heparin shots can complicate the issue. However, the benefits outweigh the risks. Ensure that you consult with your nurse before taking the medications especially during pregnancy. Inform your nurse or nurse immediately in case you observe the following side effects after taking this medication;
- Stomach pain or swelling
- Back pain Gums
- Bleeding when you brush your teeth
- Blood in urine
- Constipation
- Coughing blood
- Dizziness
- Severe headaches
- Heavy bleeding
- Joint pain or swelling
- Menstrual bleeding
- Strange nosebleeds
- Chest pain
- Nausea or vomiting
You may experience some post treatment side effects that require medical attention. Contact your physician immediately if you notice the following signs.
- Presence of blood stains in the stool
- Chest and leg pains
- Chest and groin pains
- Red spots on the skin
- Severe headache
- Unexpected shortness of breath
- Unexpected slurred speech
- Blurred vision
It’s essential to understand some facts before taking this medication. Heparin tends to be efficient with aspirin. Therefore, doctors administer it together with aspirin. The doctor usually recommends on the best combination strategy to apply. Medical should be carried out before using this drug so as to identify any issues and determine the ideal treatment plan during pregnancy. Previous stillbirth, recurrent miscarriages or symptoms of preeclampsia determine whether you need to take this drug during pregnancy.
As a pregnant woman, you must follow the physician’s prescription and take the medications according to the recommended plan. Regular intake of the Heparin is the ideal way to prevent miscarriages. However, skipping a dose can negative impacts on your health as well as the unborn child.
When under this medication, doctors suggest that you have adequate rest and ensure that you do not get injured or cut. The open wound can bleed severely due to unusual blood clotting process.
During delivery, inform the medical staff about the anticoagulants treatment plan. You should have details about the last day you took this medication. It will help the nurses to understand when to administer epidural injections and observe keenly the amount of blood lost during delivery.
It’s safe to use Heparin when breastfeeding since it does not have adverse effects on the baby.
Disclaimer: The contents of this article are for informational purposes only and must not be considered as medical advice. YouDrugstore does not endorse or approve the opinions or views expressed by any contributing author in our community articles. Always consult your doctor for medical advice.