Buy Tamoxifen Tablets Online Low Prices From Canada - Shipping to the USA
Tamoxifen 10mg
Our best price: $41.31 USD per pack
*Maximum: 90-day supply  Maximum 90-day supply
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Due to policy restrictions and health regulations, can only dispense a maximum 90-day (3 month) supply of your medication based on a valid prescription. A valid prescription must be written and signed by a licensed physician and must have a prescription date that is no more than one year (365 days) old. All new prescriptions are verified with a signing physician.

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  • QTY
  • 1 PACK
  • $45.15 USD
  • 2 PACKS
  • $43.84 USD
  • 3 PACKS
  • $42.56 USD
  • 4 PACKS+
  • $41.31 USD
Product type:
Active Ingredient(s):
10 mg
Pack Size:
100 tablet(s)
Tamoxifen 10mg
Country of Origin:

Where to Order


Whether you have polycystic ovary syndrome, infertility from another cause, or you are undergoing chemotherapy treatments, recovering your fertility with drugs and IVF treatments can be expensive. We have helped women like you purchase affordable Tamoxifen Citrate and other fertility drugs, with free shipping. We, YouDrugstore a Canadian Pharmacy, are committed to maintain the level of service you deserve. First, visit your fertility doctor to see if this is the best fertility drug for you and your particular medical situation. When you have the drug prescription, bring it back to us and submit your order online or by phone. We will then ship this mediaction to you so you can start improving your fertility and realize your dreams of starting a family.


What is it?


Tamoxifen is a generic version of Nolvadex, and this oral tablet is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM). This type of drug acts as an estrogen antagonist, blocking estrogen to help reduce breast cancer growth or improving fertility by stimulating the ovaries to release eggs.


Why Do Doctors Prescribe This Medication?


Doctors usually prescribe this drug to treat breast cancer in men and women, helping to slow the spread of cancer that is stimulated by estrogen. If a woman is at high risk for breast cancer, her doctor may prescribe this drug to reduce her risk. Studies also suggest that doctors can prescribe these pills to help preserve fertility as women undergo chemotherapy treatment for their breast cancer, using this fertility drug to increase the number of eggs which can then be harvested and stored. Doctors may prescribe this medication as a fertility drug, as an alternative to other drugs like Clomid and Serophene, especially when a woman is unable to tolerate taking these drugs or the drugs are ineffective. This includes women who suffer from infertility because of anovulation, such as in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or when women are undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments.


How Does the Drug Work?


Tamoxifen is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), which means that it acts as an estrogen antagonist to block estrogen from latching onto estrogen receptors. In breast cancer that is driven by estrogen, less estrogen means that these cancers are less able to grow. For treating anovulation from PCOS or other causes, or during IVF treatments, researchers believe this drug works by binding to estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus. This triggers the body to release gonadotropins, which then induce ovulation. With more eggs released from the ovaries, there are more eggs an IVF technician can harvest for fertility treatments or more eggs available to potentially be fertilized naturally.


When and How to Take


For fertility treatments, your doctor may tell you to take tablets orally, with or without food, at a dose of 10 to 20 mg. You will likely take this drug only for a few days, either day three to day seven or day five to day nine of your menstrual cycle. Your fertility doctor will give you instructions how and when to take these tablets, and you can also refer to your product insert for more information.


How Men Can Use It


For decades, some bodybuilders have been using this medication to reduce gynecomastia, which is enlarged breast tissue on men that looks like female breasts. In fact, researchers surveyed gym users and found that 22 percent of them took Tamoxifen to counteract the effects of steroids. When bodybuilders take testosterone, this can leave their bodies with excess estrogen, and this excess estrogen can trigger the growth of breast tissue, among other negative side effects. These tablets help bodybuilders by blocking estrogen from attaching to estrogen receptors, reducing the estrogen available to grow breast tissue. By taking these tablets while bodybuilding, these men hope to reduce their gynecomastia and other negative side effects of high estrogen levels.


Does the Drug Cause Weight Gain?


There is some controversy about whether this drug cause weight gain. Many women undergoing breast cancer treatments have felt that the medication has caused them to gain weight, which may have a hormonal connection as estrogen in the body decreases and body fat increases. However, so far no studies have demonstrated that this SERM does cause weight gain. Other people suggest the drug causes weight loss, however studies so far have not demonstrated this either. Some doctors suggest the weight gain and weight loss on Tamoxifen may have to do with other aspects of breast cancer treatments or with lack of exercise while undergoing these exhausting medical treatments. If you have concerns about weight loss or weight gain while taking the medication, it is best to speak to your doctor.


Side Effects


Side effects can include:


  • Nausea
  • Hot flashes
  • Headache
  • Thinning hair
  • Muscle aches
  • Leg cramps
  • Numb or tingling skin
  • In men the loss of sexual interest and ability


If these side effects persist or worsen, seek medical attention.


If you experience serious side effects, like


  • Stomach or abdominal pain
  • Dark urine
  • Persistent nausea and vomiting
  • Yellowing skin or eyes


and signs of infection like a fever or sore throat, seek medical attention immediately. A serious allergic reaction to the drug is rare, but seek medical attention immediately if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction like


  • Trouble breathing
  • Severe dizziness
  • Rash, and itching
  • Swelling of the face, tongue, or throat


These are not all the possible side effects of this medication.




Do not take this medication if you are pregnant, and if you become pregnant, stop taking this fertility drug because it can harm an unborn child. You should not take this drug while breastfeeding because it is unknown if the drug can be passed through breast milk and it may reduce milk production. Your doctor may perform tests such as a pregnancy test, liver function test, mammograms, and routine breast exams while you are taking these tablets. The drug may increase your risk of developing uterine cancer, a blood clot in the lung, or stroke, which could all be fatal. Do not take its if you are allergic to this drug, and tell your doctor if you have a history of blood clot, stroke, liver disease, high cholesterol or triglycerides, or cataracts, or if you are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatments. When taking these tablets, there is a low risk of multiple pregnancies, such as twins and triplets.


Other Medications Prescribed with It


Doctors may prescribe Tamoxifen in conjunction with IVF treatments. When taking this medication for fertility, you may also use an ovulation test to confirm when you are ovulating and therefore the best time to conceive. You may also use a pregnancy test to confirm a pregnancy, in which case you should stop taking pills and contact your doctor.


What is Anovulation?


Anovulation is the lack of ovulation, the failure to release an egg for more than three months in a row, which can be caused by medical conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), hyperprolactinemia, or another condition involving a hormonal imbalance. In some cases of anovulation, the ovaries are simply not producing eggs. Normally an ovary will release an egg every 25 to 28 days, and this egg has the potential to be fertilized, but if no egg is released, there is no chance of pregnancy. Symptoms of anovulation can include infertility, irregular menstruation or amenorrhea, which is the lack of menstruation, and sometimes increased body mass and excess facial hair associated with PCOS. Fertility monitors and fertility charting can help detect the absence of ovulation by measuring body temperature. Anovulation is a common cause of infertility in women, but treatment with Tamoxifen or other fertility drugs can restore fertility in about 90 percent of cases.