For many people, video games represent one of the few ways that you can take your mind off of everyday stress in today's world. It is unquestionable why they have become part of our culture: they are convenient, engaging, cathartic, often relaxing, and fun. Whether you are focused on making your way through an intricate maze, or laughing with some friends as you camp an enemy's spawn, gaming represents an increasingly popular leisurely activity. In fact, gaming has become more than just a pastime, it has evolved into a career choice for many people. However, as we spend more and more time indoors, on the couch, or in our computer chairs, the related increase in health issues is hard not to spot.
An Increase in Obesity
You have undoubtedly heard by now that obesity has become an epidemic of astronomical proportions in recent years, and that it is only getting worse. Could this have something to do with us spending more time indoors, on said couch, or in said computer chairs? What we ...
The amount of information you can find online about diabetes is almost enough to dissuade anyone from spending any real time reading about it. Still, it seems logical that bloggers, writers, and businesses alike are so adamant about sharing this information given how common diabetes actually is. Not only that, but a lot of people still seem to have a hard time understanding what diabetes is, why or how people get it, or what it means for those who have it. Think of the following article as a simple digest that you can share to help your friends or family members better understand more about diabetes.
About Diabetes
First, we need to talk briefly about what diabetes actually is. Diabetes is one of the most common diseases known to mankind. Medically referred to as diabetes mellitus, it is a metabolic disease that causes persistently high levels of sugar in your blood. If left untreated, these high blood sugar levels can cause blindness, amputation, kidney failure, heart attack, stro ...