Does Masturbation Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects millions of men around the globe. Some figures show that more than 30 million men experience ED in the United States alone. For decades, doctors have tried to discover the causes and treatments for erectile dysfunction. Masturbation is one factor that some have claimed leads to ED. Masturbation is an issue that has been excessively debated upon when it comes to erectile dysfunction. Masturbation has been established as a normal part of sexual development by sexual health experts, and some of the myths surrounding masturbation have led to the common belief that men who masturbate too much can develop erectile dysfunction. But is this really true? Can masturbation cause erectile dysfunction? Unforunately, there is no clear answer to this question yet. There are many unanswered questions still hidden in the complexity of human sexuality and psychology. Although masturbation and ED have been found to be closely related, erectile dysfunction may not ...