Buy Quinine 200mg - Order Online | You! Drugstore
Quinine 200mg
Our best price: $38.32 USD per pack
*Maximum: 90-day supply  Maximum 90-day supply
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Due to policy restrictions and health regulations, can only dispense a maximum 90-day (3 month) supply of your medication based on a valid prescription. A valid prescription must be written and signed by a licensed physician and must have a prescription date that is no more than one year (365 days) old. All new prescriptions are verified with a signing physician.

If you place an order that exceeds a 90-day (3 month) supply of your medication, YouDrugstore will adjust your order to conform to policy restrictions. This adjustment will be confirmed with you before your order is processed.

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  • QTY
  • 1 PACK
  • $39.89 USD
  • 2 PACKS
  • $39.09 USD
  • 3 PACKS+
  • $38.32 USD
Product type:
Active Ingredient(s):
200 mg
Pack Size:
100 capsule(s)
Quinine 200mg 100 Tab (Rx-G-Dry-CAD)
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Buy Quinine 200mg Online

How do you order Quinine 200 mg online?

You can order Quinine 200 mg online from Canada. YouDrugstore is a Canadian online pharmacy. That means you get genuine Quinine at Canadian prices when you buy Quinine 200 mg from YouDrugstore. We will ship your order straight to you for a low cost in shipping. All you have to do is register with our website and send us your prescription for Quinine 200 mg. You can even have your doctor fax us your prescription directly. Once we have received your prescription, our team of professional health care specialists will review your order. Quinine is the generic version of Qualaquin, which is used to treat malaria. Purchase Quinine 200 mg from YouDrugstore today and start treating malaria.

What are the side effects of taking Quinine 200 mg?

You should always make yourself familiar with the side effects you might experience when taking a new prescription medication. When taking Quinine 200 mg you may experience diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and stomach cramps. These are typical side effects, but if they persist or worsen, speak to your doctor. Rare side effects include blurred vision, cough, headache, trouble sleeping, sore throat, trembling, and unusual bleeding or bruising. If you experience these side effects, speak to your doctor. Extremely rare side effects include blindness, chest pain, fainting, severe dizziness, and double vision. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience these side effects. If you have any questions or concerns, speak to your doctor.

When should you take Quinine 200 mg?

Your treatment with Quinine 200 mg will typically last about a week. You will likely have to take several doses of Quinine 200 mg a day, several hours apart. Your doctor will describe exactly how many tablets to take and at what times to take them. Your treatment and dosages will depend on the type and severity of your malaria. If you miss a dose take it as soon as you remember unless it has been longer than 4 hours since you were supposed to take it. In that case, wait for your next dose. Never double dose with Quinine 200 mg. Always follow your doctor's instructions on how to take Quinine 200 mg exactly. If you are unsure about your specific dosage or treatment, ask your doctor.

Why is it important to treat malaria?

In severe cases, and if left alone, malaria can cause you to slip into a coma, or it can even be the cause of your death. Malaria is reported to have been the cause of 660,000 deaths in 2010. Its most common mode of infection is through mosquito bites. Typical symptoms of malaria include fever, vomiting, fatigue, and headaches. In its worst cases, malaria can cause yellow skin and seizures. It has been known to cause death within days, or even hours. A diagnoses of malaria is usually made by matching symptoms with a positive blood test result.

Who might receive a prescription for Quinine 200 mg from their doctor?

Your doctor has prescribed Quinine 200 mg for you or your child to treat malaria. If the prescription is for your child under 8 years of age, your doctor will likely have prescribed a secondary drug to help the treatment. For example, if your malaria is uncomplicated and includes P falciparum (one of the types of parasites found in malaria), your doctor will normally prescribe clindamycin treatment to aid your Quinine 200 mg treatment. If you are a pregnant woman, do not take Quinine. It has been known to cause abortions, as well as renal failure in the mother. You should speak to your doctor if you have had renal trouble in the past.

Where can I learn more about Quinine 200 mg?

Quinine Wiki
Apotex Inc.
Quinine Drugs