Buy Trimethoprim 200mg - Order Online | YouDrugstore
Trimethoprim 200mg
Our best price: $63.68 USD per pack
*Maximum: 90-day supply  Maximum 90-day supply
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Due to policy restrictions and health regulations, can only dispense a maximum 90-day (3 month) supply of your medication based on a valid prescription. A valid prescription must be written and signed by a licensed physician and must have a prescription date that is no more than one year (365 days) old. All new prescriptions are verified with a signing physician.

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  • QTY
  • 1 PACK
  • $74.75 USD
  • 2 PACKS
  • $73.64 USD
  • 3 PACKS
  • $71.98 USD
  • 4 PACKS
  • $66.44 USD
  • 5 PACKS
  • $65.06 USD
  • 6 PACKS+
  • $63.68 USD
Product type:
Active Ingredient(s):
200 mg
Pack Size:
100 tablet(s)
AA Pharma
Country of Origin:

Buy Trimethoprim 200mg Online

What is Trimethoprim 200mg?

Trimethoprim belongs to the class of drugs called antibiotics. This medication fights bacteria in the body and is prescribed for the treatment of urinary tract infections.

Why do doctors prescribe Trimethoprim 200mg?

Symptoms of a urinary tract infection include needing to go to the bathroom often but expelling only a small amount, pain while urinating and cloudy urine. Doctors prescribe Trimethoprim to kill the bacteria which are causing the infection, thereby clearing up the symptoms.

How Trimethoprim 200mg works

UTIs (urinary tract infections) are caused by an invasion of certain bacteria in the urinary tract. Trimethoprim is a generic name for an antibacterial agent that interferes with the replication of these bacteria and treats the infection.

How and when to take Trimethoprim 200mg

Take this medication, orally, for ten days. The usual oral adult dosage is either 100mg every twelve hours or 200mg every 24 hours. It is important to complete your treatment with this medication, even if you begin to feel better before you are done treatment.

Trimethoprim 200mg side effects

  • diarrhea
  • nausea
  • rash
  • pruritus (itchiness)

These may not be all the side effects of Trimethoprim 200mg.

Contraindications of Trimethoprim 200mg

If you are allergic to any of the components in the Trimethoprim tablet, do not take it. You should not use this medication if you have megaloblastic anemia due to folate deficiency.

Precautions when taking Trimethoprim 200mg

Prior to taking Trimethoprim, tell your doctor about your medical history especially if you have blood disorders, such as anemia or vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

How to store Trimethoprim 200mg

Store Trimethoprim at room temperature (15°C-30°C) away from light and moisture.

What is are urinary tract infections?

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are caused by a bacterial infection in any part of the urinary system, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Symptoms include a burning feeling when urinating, frequent urination with only small amounts expelled, urinary urgency, cloudy or pink urine and strong-smelling urine. Most infections are caused by E. Coli bacteria and are treated effectively with antibiotics. UTIs are common in females, with over six million visits to the doctor per year in America. Certain factors increase the chances of getting a UTI, such as menopause, diabetes, bowel incontinence and kidney stones.

Where can I buy Trimethoprim 200mg?

If you have been diagnosed with a urinary tract infection, Trimethoprim 200mg has been shown to be an effective treatment. YouDrugstore is a licensed online pharmacy, based in Canada, where you can buy Trimethoprim 200mg for the same price most Canadians pay. When you purchase Trimethoprim 200mg from YouDrugstore, it is necessary to register on our website and fill in all of the relevant information. After that, send us your prescription so that our licensed physicians and pharmacy technicians can review your order. You can even speed up the process by asking your doctor to fax us your prescription directly from their office. YouDrugstore will ship your prescription right to your home for a cheap cost in shipping. In fact, YouDrugstore offers free shipping on any order over $100. If you are not completely satisfied with your order you can return it to YouDrugstore.

More information about Trimethoprim 200mg and urinary tract infections