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Health And Wellness

Treatment and medications for acute and chronic bronchitis and COPD

Medications for Bronchitis and COPD
Acute bronchitis is a temporary condition that is usually viral and, as the name suggests, involves the bronchi. Unless it is complicated by pneumonia, which is rare, it usually resolves spontaneously. Treatment for just the symptoms usually suffices. Chronic bronchitis, on the other hand, is a significantly different condition and is a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Treatment for it and COPD conditions requires more aggressive management due to how severely these conditions jeopardize one’s health. Acute bronchitis The main feature of acute bronchitis is a cough that will persist from five days to several weeks, with an average duration of 18 days. Such a persistent cough can strain the intercostal muscles, which are chest muscles between the ribs, or can even strain portions of one’s diaphragm. Pain from inflamed intercostal muscles or the diaphragm can be addressed with NSAIDs if this were to happen. In the absence of these speci ...

Smoking cessation and COPD: Smoke If You Got ‘Em? 

Smoking cessation and COPD
Cigarettes are magicians, except instead of causing illusions, they conjure delusions. If you’re young, you will believe that you have plenty of time to quit, yet because they’re as addictive as heroin, cocaine, and amphetamines, quitting is actually quite harder than it might seem. Indeed, for smokers under the age of 18, only one out of three will quit eventually. Of the rest who go on to smoke permanently, half will die because of it. The rest, depending on their medical histories and family histories of illness, will be compromised to some extent. We all have to go somehow Yes, everybody will, at some point, pass away. But, it’s the way you go that you need to consider. Lung cancer is a long, slow, and torturous affliction that dramatically affects the quality of life of its victims and even victims’ families and loved ones. It is fair to say that most will not want to pass away in this manner. What if I don’t get cancer? Haven’t I ...

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